Hello my lovelies!
Today I just need to ask a very quick favour from any of the ladies that are participating in the birthday swap!
I have managed to lose the file with everyone's blog addresses etc. So if anybody still has a copy I would really appreciate it if you could forward this to me :)

I hope you're all very well and enjoying 2011 so far! For me it is definately starting to get better :) and I ha with the exception of the theft of Matty's motorbike!
Some awful toerag took it straight off our driveway a couple of days ago and has caused us a nightmare of stress!
Fortunately the bike was found, filthy, drained of oil and needing a lot of repair. But it's back home none the less :)
Matt has also finally found a new job, and although it's very low pay and not many hours it is better than nothing :D